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The Two Mates, Delhi And Mumbai List Their Name In The Top 10 Stoned Cities Of The World - Study

Date: 2018-02-01 16:40:15

By Abhishek

We can never imagine the love between the Delhi people and the Mumbai people. These two cities are the two cool Bros. They share so good bonding and that's why these two cities are united together in Seedo survey.

Delhi and Mumbai are the two sole brothers who came under the 2018 Cannabis price index. Yes, you read it right, these two cities are listed in top 10 cities for the consumption of Cannabis.

Cannabis literally means - Marijuana or Weed.


Seedo, it's an Israel based company which sells devices to grow Cannabis. They released the detailed data in their report and share which city sells how much marijuana and the cost of it in different cities.

According to this, Delhiites and Mumbaikars are among the top cities out of 120 cities surveyed.


And let me be more precise about this survey,
Delhi holding the 3rd position and Mumbai holding the 6th position. Delhiites consuming a whacking 38.26 metric tons and Mumbaikars consuming 32.38 metric tons of marijuana /weed.

The Cannabis price in Delhi is least in terms of the other cities.


Fascinatingly, Pakistan's Karachi also made it to the list and not only in the list but grabbing the 2nd spot. WOW!!

In India it is illegal for a person to manufacture/cultivate/produce/sell/transport/purchase/store/consume any narcotic drug or psychotropic substance.


"If found blameworthy",
Cannabis consumption may get you in jail for 6 months or a fine of Rs 10,000 and in Illegal production and cultivation of Cannabis would lead you to, not for just 1 day or 2 days nor 1 month but up to 10 years in prison.

Surprise You two mates?
Stay Healthy, Stay Fit Indians.

TAGS: Cannabis, marijuana, weed, drugs, seedo, study, world, life, mumbai, delhi, mumbaikars, delhiites

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