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10 Signs You Are Aatm Nirbhar.

Date: 2020-05-28 16:22:37

By Manveen

Hello folks, what is the new buzzword? It is Aatm Nirbhar.

Modi ji is so funky he makes simple words trendy. Now the word looks so Gharelu that we would love to be Nirbhar on ourselves.

Instagram and other social media platforms are so grateful to him for his epic ways. First the claps, then the Diyas and then #Aatm Nirbhar. But say whatever you want, Modi ji has got a point this time, atleast! If not for anybody then atleast for ourselves.

We have to learn to be Aatm Nirbhar. Congratulations if you already are and good luck if you are practicing it to be one.

Here are 8 Signs which tell you are Aatm Nirbhar:

1.) You verify your facts.

You do not believe anything you read. You take a moment, see if the news is true or not. If it is not then you refer to several unbiased sources before you come to a conclusion. That is the first step. Do you do that?

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2.) You know how to cook because Aatm Nirbharta is in you.

Cooking no longer is looked upon as a backward activity anymore. Everyone eats whence everyone should know how to cook. Think about it, if you were stuck without your family and friends and help, would you be okay ordering food online even during these times? Would you not have felt like inviting the virus in every day? Answer yourself!


3.) Helping your sibling because you are Aatm Nirbhar.

Prior, you never helped your siblings in the house chore work, but now you are getting stuff for your siblings while they watch TV because Modi Ji will otherwise get upset of you.

4.) You do not believe in class system.

You are not dependent on the false concepts of society where you need to take another down to feel better about yourself. You also do not find shame in running errands and doing household chores. Why must we still continue to exploit somebody's labour? If somebody comes to fix your computer, they demand as much money as they prefer and you yield. The person would have barely spent 15 minutes but you will pay him INR 5000. However, you would still think your maid is charging you extra if you pay her INR 2000.


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5.) You know how to keep your place tidy.

Because if your house help cancels, you can still manage on your own. You need no aunty looking for you. You do that damn well yourself.

6.) You can actually eat alone.

This is pure adulating. When you no longer feel the need to have a company to consume each and every meal, which is when you realize how self-sufficient you are.

7.) You don't ask your friends for Netflix, Hotstar, Amazon passwords.

Instead, you choose to buy your own account because you don't like to be Nirbhar on someone else's accounts.


8.) You do not get mad at your friends if they are busy.

Because people are busy, everybody is making odd ends meet and if not for anything else, people do not always feel like socializing. If your friend wants to stay home and not be with you, you should be okay with that because you would want the same someday. Even if you do not and your friend still needs it, they deserve it still.


9.) You have several hobbies.

You do not feel bored or the need to have company because even if you do not have anybody to chill with, you have several hobbies to indulge in.


10.) You are focused on life.

You know what you want more in life than what you want in a moment. You do not depend on politics and manipulation to get your friend's attention. You deal with life more positively.

I am Aatma nirbhar, with or without consent, doesn't matter! Are you? Bhakts, give me a cheer!


TAGS: aatm nirbhar
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