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These 10 Foods That Will Help You Look Younger

Date: 2019-01-21 14:23:55

By TabloidXO Writers

Some people out there look surprisingly young for their age. They may look effortless, but that's not what their real stories would suggest. A lot of hard work and care goes behind their looks and they may not yell out these facts. Eating healthy and right is very crucial and some food items can ease your task. Carefully choosing them and consuming them in right amounts can help you in looking younger and prettier. Come on people, you can work on your body and skin. Well, you can be wiser and look younger at the same time. Try out these foods and start some cool habits. We know you can do it, you know you can do it!

1. Avocado. You should definitely take care of your diet. Add some avocados to it. Avocados contain monosaturated fatty acids. Avocados help in weight management too. It contains the healthiest form of fat for the cardiovascular system. The oil in avocados hydrates your skin. It has spectacular anti-aging properties.


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2. Strawberry. Strawberries are stocked with antioxidants. These tasty berries neutralise damaging free radicals. They also help our body to manufacture collagen, which helps to make your skin smooth and firm.


3. Yoghurt. Yoghurt is full of protein and calcium. It contain other nutrients too like Vitamin B. Vitamin B is essential for cell growth and division. They are very good for overall health. It's amazing anti ageing properties helps it to stand out.


4. Kiwifruit. It helps to maintain clear and smooth skin. It's very healthy to eat it as it's good for health and bones. To feel young you need strong body parts. Kiwifruit is abundant with Vitamin C too.


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5. Spinach. This green leafy vegetable has lots of iron and lutein. It's very good for our eyes. It helps to build new cells in our body. That's very attractive about spinach. No wonder Popeye eats it now and then.


6. Dark chocolate. This is something so exciting. You don't have to feel guilty while nibbling bits of dark chocolate. It's very good for you. Resveratrol and flavanols in dark chocolate promote circulation and hinder damage. It has low sugar content and therefore isn't fattening at all.


7. Salmon. The omega 3 fatty acids in salmon improves memory and other body functions. They reduce inflammation too. It's surprising to know that it is good for mental health. Again, it has wonderful anti ageing properties.



8. Sweet potato. It has high rates of beta carotene and beta carotene usually turns into Vitamin A. It's especially good for eyesight. It can help to ward off wrinkles too.


9. Blackberry. All berries are considered good for skin, but blackberries are special. They have amazing cleansing properties too. They can contribute a lot in anti ageing. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are abundant in blackberries.


10. Tomato. Tomatoes are loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients. Both of these fight damaging free radicals. Thus dead skin cells can be avoided. This helps us to stay young and healthy.


So guys, look out for these things in your diet. These food materials will help your body, but hey, remember to be confident. Take good care of your mind and body. Eat healthy and fresh. Stay happy, Toodles!


TAGS: foods to stay young, healthy foods, avocados benefits, yoghurt benefits

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