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10 Reasons Why Guys Should Be Proud Of Girls.

Date: 2019-10-07 13:06:40

By Manveen

The debate on girls versus boys is never-ending. While women do not miss a chance to rub their superpower of bleeding every month and not dying in every guy's face, guys also do not hesitate to brag about the unconditional freedom they get and how simpler their lives are. There might be a lot of things guys can do but girls cannot but,

why guys should be proud of girls

Here are 10 things guys should be proud of every girl in their lives:

  1. Being calm in a storm of shaming.

  2. Indian society is such that if one girl even tip toes on the borders of their rules and norms, she is shamed. Some might even shame girls for breathing. Actually, if they cannot shame, they retort to murdering them at birth. Welcome to Harayana & Rajasthan, you do not know what you might witness, female infanticide, sacrificing daughters for sons and etc. Incredible India truly!

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  3. Handling emotional situations with maturity.

  4. On average, girls have a much bigger emotional range than boys do. Not that boys do not have it at all, but most boys struggle with their emotions and are hesitant to express them. But girls are mature enough to be straight about their feelings.

    why guys should be proud of girls
  5. Making their way, despite the scorpion attitude of society.

  6. As scorpions take the other one down if they cannot go, females in an Indian society suffer the same fate. The saddest part is that it is not just men, but women follow the crowds of lynching other women because those other women dared to do what these ones could not. It is quite shameful, to be honest.

    why guys should be proud of girls
  7. Being able to express themselves.

  8. As much as guys mock girls for sharing their feelings, opinions, likes & dislikes, check-in statuses and what not on social media, most guys cannot tell their best friend their favourite colour without being awkward. Girls are more aware, but their likes and dislikes than boys.

    why guys should be proud of girls

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  9. Talking to their female friends about everything.

  10. Bro code might be strong and tight, but how many guys can sit and discuss their likes and dislikes with their bros before hoes? Sure, they can chug multiple beers and wage wars for each other but favourite movie? No idea at all!

    why guys should be proud of girls
  11. Self-love and grooming.

  12. When guys struggle to maintain a daily routine of shower, girls shuffle between education, work, salon appointments and meanwhile also set shit on fire. Multi-tasking all the way!

    via GIPHY

  13. Working in the fields on tough days.

  14. Bleeding and not dying might be a superpower, but with great power comes great responsibility and this one also happen to be quite painful too. With PCOD being common as a common flu among women, periods of pain just becomes more unbearable. Often, even inhuman yet these ladies do not lose courage and manage education, work and home all good.

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  15. Socialising and diplomacy.

  16. It is fun to punch somebody whom you don't like and quite gutsy as well. But it takes a lot of thinking and self-control to be on civil terms of diplomacy with people you hate. Most guys fail in this and most girls manage to pass the test.

    why guys should be proud of girls


  17. Being courageous in an Indian society.

  18. Indian society can be daunting and scary for girls who do not bow to the norms and codes of conduct. To maintain a firm ground in such rough weathers requires serious commitment and courage.

    why guys should be proud of girls
  19. Daring to rebel.

  20. To have an open mind and the guts to follow one's own ideals are the biggest challenge girls face in India and to not give up are the deeds of some phenomenal women.

    why guys should be proud of girls

Although, we girls have endless reasons to give you guys how proud you should feel about us, but for today let's just set it to these 10.


TAGS: Proud Girls, why guys should be proud of girls, proud women
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