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13 Signs That Shows You Are In Love With Your Car

Date: 2018-08-03 12:12:13

By Abhishek

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Ask anyone whether he/she loves their car and I bet you will never hear a NO. For them it's not just a machine, it's their first love. They take care of their car the same way they take care of themselves and vice versa.

Here are these 13 signs which tell, I am loving it!!

1. You never give your car to valet guys; instead you prefer to go 3 levels down to leave your car to get some rest.


2. You can't see your car dirty, even if your car washer cleans it every day but (trust issues) you wake up early morning just to make sure every little inch of your car is shining.


3. Your car is not just your *CAR*, it's your everything, you make sure the accessory which your car is wearing is of the best quality in the world.


4. You have tried to find a safe spot for your car whenever you go out; howbeit it doesn't matter if you have to park it 500 meters away from your destination.


5. You have named your car, however many people may not know this secret but you have, correct??


6. When your car came from the showroom for the first time in it's new house, you have kissed it on the bonnet. And you had a small chat with your car before saying goodnight.


7. That little dent on your car has disturbed you mentally and to make it fixed you have spent thrice than the genuine price.


8. Your car is driven by you and only you, and if in case you give it to someone, that someone will be equally being as special as your car.


9. Follow the rules first, no...no not about the traffic rules, but the rules which a person has to obey before sitting into your heaven car. Like, clean your shoes and then enter, no cigarettes allowed etc.


10. You are constantly thinking about your car when you have no idea about the unknown place where you have parked your car.


11. At the end of the day, every day you go to greet your beast and to make sure the door locks are closed.


12. If your beast is making some uncanny sound you will spend hours and hours only to figure out from where it was coming, even if it cost you a leave from the office.


13. You hate it when someone slams your car door hard. You feel like killing that person.

TAGS: car love, signs i love my car

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