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2021: PUBG To Roll Out New Features For Indian Audience.

Date: 2020-12-07 14:47:45

By TabloidXO

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With other Chinese apps, the Indian government also banned PUBG app. However, in November 2020, the company announced that it would return to the Indian market soon.

Without a doubt PUBG is one of the most popular games Indian gamers ever got. By looking at the fan base in India, the company is not just setting to re-enter the market but are also doing re-designing which suits the Indian audience.

PUBG india new features

PUBG India new features and updates include:

1. The blood strain which earlier was red will now be green in colour. The feature is already available in the Korean version.

2. New characters will be seen,

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3. And clothes have also been changed. Now the players will not have to search for clothes in undergarments, now they will already be in clothes.

4. Now the young players will have a break time: Timing has also been set in order to develop healthy sports habits. The game will stop itself after a certain time.

5. The user interface and the background in the game will be changed to a virtual simulation training ground.

6. Data of every user will be protected.

PUBG india new features


About 30-40 million Indian users have been playing PUBG in 2018-19. In terms of users, after the US, India is the second hot destination for the company.

The company will need permission from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) to launch PUBG again in India. Some reports claimed that Ministry of Corporate Affairs has approved the registration of PUBG India Pvt. Ltd., a privately held company under the registrar of companies. (Source: https://zeenews.india.com/technology/pubg-mobile-india-launch-date-new-features-and-other-updates-you-need-to-know-2329166.html)

Let's see when they will get the green signal from the authorities as the gamers really missing the game.


TAGS: pubg game
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