Love is a universal emotion and it is beautiful in every sense of it. It evokes such passion in us that none of us can keep it in. Musicians put it in their music; actors show it in their acting and writers in the words. It is inescapable. When we are in love, we too do some things, subconsciously or consciously, which show how deep and immersed in love we truly are.
These are some adoring gestures which she does for you because, she loves you:
1) When she kisses you at the break of dawn, filled with so much love that it makes you wonder if you are still dreaming.
Love is hard to find, and even more difficult to keep. When you feel like you have found your soul mate, fight for it. Fight for your love, because a true companionship is hard to find.
TAGS: gestures she does instaed saying i love you, sweet gestures couples do, cute couple gesture