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Visiting Your Gynecologist? Hell Awkward, Right? Every Lady Would Relate To It!

Date: 2018-11-30 18:57:18

By Mansha

Gynecologist visits in every six months are every lady's routine and when we went for the first time, there was this awkwardness and anxious feeling. Sitting there and realizing that this would be so embarrassing in opening yourself completely in front of the complete stranger.

When I went for the first time I felt vulnerable and wished to run from there, never coming back again but once you have jumped in the well, there is no way that you come out without the help of another person. Same, when you have entered that building there is no chance that you will come back without all those awkward and bit painful examinations.

There are some things that women relate to that happens in the gynecologist office that is hell awkward:

Form filling:

This happens when you go there for the very first time and they ask you to fill a form, which has all sorts of questions like sexually active, if yes how many times, are you having intercourse before marriage, and the list goes on. While writing you feel a bit uneasy and shy but it's for the best.


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Handling face to face questions:

This is even more vulnerable than forms because even if you have written all of that information, they will still ask you the same things, which ends in making you uneasy and shy. And the worst is when they start giving you lectures on the things which you have done all your life in a wrong way like wax stuff.


Breast examinations:

Nothing can be more awkward than this, feeling that intimate feeling that too by your doctor. The sensation that is difficult to show because of which you want the examination to end quickly than imagined.


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Examination down there:

First, uncovering yourself is not easy, that something you can call guts and along with that when they start examining from various tools, you try to focus on ceilings and distracting yourself in the outer world but that doesn't work because it can be painful too which keeps you active in that very moment.


When they ask, "What's the problem you are facing"?

When we visit them with some problem, we go with clear words that we would tell this in a straight way but when she asks us the question we take more time than we thought to tell our problem because it can be so personal and private that you can't imagine yourself opening to a complete stranger who knows nothing about you except your body.



It can be awkward but it is necessary too, for the first few sessions we all face these issues but with time we get used to it. They become our best friend because we can share our biggest secrets with them without any censor. So girls never say no for a visit only because you feel shy, it's important for you and your body. Nothing is important than health.


TAGS: Gynecologist, awkward Gynecologist

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