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HBO Silently Remove Starbucks Coffee Cup From GoT Episode 4.

Date: 2019-05-08 15:59:15

By TabloidXO Writers

RIP GoT coffee cup. You will be missed!

We all remember the iconic Starbucks coffee cup which aired on the Episode 4. Although, it was a blunder which came into notice by the viewers of the show and in no time, people started pointing out the error on the internet through memes.


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GoT was trolled badly, way more badly!


However, later HBO said in their statement:

"The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake. Daenerys had ordered an herbal tea."

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Okay, so getting back to the story, after getting schooled by the netizen, HBO went a step forward and deleted the coffee cup scene from the Episode 4. GoT & team used their intelligence and eliminated the cup part and helped themselves from further embarrassment.


Whilst, netizen eyes are too sharp, they noticed the cup is not there:


Now that they did it, we hope the coffee brand will not stop the bank cheque to credit the HBO bank account.


TAGS: Hbo coffee cup removed, game of thrones, game of thrones coffee cup, GoT errors, Game of thrones mistakes
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