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'I Love You Mom'. Here's Why I Owe You Everything.

Date: 2020-12-07 13:17:02

By Manveen

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To asking my mom to help me with my shopping to talking about my crush. She is perfect in every way. Who so ever said that mothers are god's own reflection, was absolutely correct.

i love you mom
Source: Wikipedia

Have you noticed how mothers wake up earlier than children, pack their tiffin boxes, prepare breakfasts, get their children dressed, walk them to the bus stop, send them off to school and then later in the afternoon they are there, always sharp on time, not a minute here or there to pick their kids up and take them back home. Feed them, care for them, teach them, and discipline them. What for? One day those kids are growing to grow up and leave for studies or jobs and they will be sitting by an empty nest yet they do it anyway. Knowingly they volunteer to sacrifice themselves, put their life in service of their children. Every mother wishes to give her child what she could not.

How can anybody be so unconditional?
Why don't they ever stop to think about themselves?
Why don't they be selfish?
Why did nobody teach them to think about themselves?

i love you mom

Even when their children are far away, they never fail to call them, stay in touch with them. Have an understanding of their children and their lives at all points. The little bird flies the nest but the mother bird never stops looking for it. Once their children are with them they can fend off for them at all times but when they are far, they spend every minute worrying about them.

Have you noticed when there are five cones of ice cream remaining and there are six in a family then the mother suddenly loses interest in eating ice cream or mentions an upcoming hypothetical cold and cough?

It would be her own birthday yet the children get to decide which restaurant they will go to. When festivals are coming, she makes sure that her children have new clothes and accessories every time while she will retort to her old sarees. Say the Diwali budget over exceeded but the children must have crackers; she can cut down on her likes and dislikes. Her children must get the world and worlds beyond them as she slaves all day in the kitchen and house for them, wanting nothing in return.

i love you mom

Even at a time when their children move ahead, she will still ensure her role and duties in their life despite her children failing her. Be it shopping or finding the right partner for her child, mothers are always omnipotent in life. For those of you who do not believe in God, we tell you that your god is right there. It is your own mother. Nobody will love you, look out for you, put up with the fact that you are a complete waste and yet give you everything you might need. Be thankful mate; count your blessings while you still have them. The world will spend every minute ruining your life; it is your mother only who will devote her entire life to make yours happy.

I love you maa...

Tag your beautiful maa in the comments below. Let her know how much you value her.


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