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Khalsa Aid Volunteers Helps Kerala Flood Victims By Providing Them Food, Singh Is King!!

Date: 2018-08-20 17:22:16

By TabloidXO Writers

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You call them anywhere, anytime and in any situation, they will be there to help you with open arms. Solicitude, charity, and kindness are their principle in life, yes; we are talking about the Sikh community.

Once again they are inspiring people to help others who are in need irrespective of color, creed, or gender.


The UK-based non-profit organization, Khalsa Aid International have come up together to help the victims of Kerala floods. Following the rule of being the helping hand for someone who needs help, the Khalsa Aid volunteers have come up as a hero for the people of Kerala.

The team is doing every bit to make people comfortable; they are taking care of their meals, and every day to day items.


The Khalsa Aid volunteers organised langar for the people with the help of Gurudwara Singh Sabha, Thevara. The organization has set up a relief camp where meals are being served to 8,000 people(yesterday record).


The volunteer shares that they are in contact with the Punjab collection centres to donate some day to day items like they need sanitary pads, mosquito nets, anti-bacterial soaps, slippers, tarapaulin sheets, knives, and other things.


Khalsa Aid also posted on their Facebook handle that they'll be setting up another shelter to incorporate more people and this could help another 6000 people to accomodate there.

UPDATE: Today they served 10000 meals to the victims.

Heroes Indeed!!

TAGS: khlasa aid volunteers, khalsa aid helping kerala flood victims, serving food

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