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'From Guarding The Border So That We Can Sleep Peacefully', Here's Into The Life Of Our Brave Indian Army Soldiers.

Date: 2019-03-24 15:38:52

By TabloidXO Writers

We all know that life in the army is not an easy one, every day there are so many challenges that our soldiers overcome. Be it the scars from the battlefield that ache or the longing for one's home, one's family. Life in the army is not ordinary at all.

Once their training starts, the soldiers have to work very hard, day and night without sleep for a day or days. Each day, they go through strict exercise routines; they carry duties on their shoulders, every second.


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The above was just the trailer of how our soldiers warm up themselves,

The real training and the struggles start at the India-Pakistan border, one of the most threatened borders of India. The soldiers have to be there every minute under hot-cold, harsh conditions with no proper infrastructure. The scarcity of water and sometimes food, that's how our soldiers live in extreme conditions without any rest.


For Soldiers, it is not a relaxed out situation where they take care of our borders from thousand of feet above the sea level, where the temperature range at negative temperature, ranging from -30 to -60 at the Siachen Glacier and talking about guarding and fighting at an average temperature of about fifty degrees in the summers of Delhi, Rajasthan, and many other hottest states.


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Can you beat that?

Now, imagine, how your life is? So easy, right?
Training hard and putting the nation's security at the top, is just our brave soldiers can do so.
We call our Bollywood heroes our "HEROES", maybe they are but in real life, our Jawans are our pride, our hero.

Our soldiers are no ordinary people. Putting there lives above others. How can one be so selfless and that is precisely why, they are our SUPERHEROES.
The threat of war felt so inevitable, but as we did our daily chores the army was counting time, days, nights whatever you may call it, but it becomes a life-death situation for them before it becomes for everybody else.



Our army is not just fighting the terrorists from the four sides, but they also have to fight with anti-national forces. Not just this, the other natural disasters and harshness of nature makes life even much tough. When the altitudes are so high there are other enemies too, such as chilly weather, memory loss and excess fluid in the lungs are very common diseases which our soldiers have to go through.


Our brave soldiers' lives in the dense jungles with no communication with the outside world, they stay away from family, even under heavy rainfalls, they do their duty with immense hard work and emotions to serve the nation. Sometimes they could not even able to meet their kid's birthday, and for whom?



Undoubtedly life in the army is not an easy one. A new challenge arises for them every day, yet they keep on marching forward in protecting each other, protecting us, protecting the motherland.

Let us take a minute to salute these brave hearts.


TAGS: indian soldiers, life of indian soldiers, soldiers in india
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