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This Nike Sneaker Cost Rs. One Crore And Its All Because Of The Manufacturing Defect

Date: 2018-09-21 16:44:18

By TabloidXO Writers


Actually, we know, brands who offer discounted products are either defective or they want to clear up the stock for that season. And mainly the reason is 'Defective product' (at least this is what I think).

If you still not believe me, here's the proof; this Nike Jordan Sneaker costs a whopping $146,000 (when we converted to India Rupees, it came out to be more than a crore) and it's not because it costs this much but for the manufacturing defect it has!!

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Ya, things go literally out of our head when it comes to fashion, brands, and costs!
This pair of 'Reverse Shattered Backboard' Air Jordan from Nike costs a bomb because of a manufacturing flaw and the flaw is easy to find if you are a big fan of NIKE. It has an upside down swoosh!!



Generally, in every manufacturing defect which is there on the material lowers the price of the product and that's how it's supposed to be but not in NIKE case, this actually increases the value of a sneaker impressively.


Now, Does this mean, I should look out for the Nike shoes which are defective??

TAGS: nike sneaker cost 1 crore, nike sneaker manufacturing defect one crore, nike sneakers

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